Tips on landscaping for home security in New Orleans

What type of message does your home’s exterior convey to prospective burglars? Are you extending an invitation with inadequate illumination and overgrown shrubs? Explore our tips on landscaping for home security in New Orleans and see how you can elevate your property’s defense.
No. 1: Keep your New Orleans yard well-lit
A well-lit property is an enemy to intruders who would preferably stay hidden in the dark. Evaluate your yard to find shadowy areas, including the outer edges, where uninvited visitors will sneak over. Incorporate motion-sensing floodlights around primary entryways like garages and patio doors, or use less-intrusive lighting that you keep lit during the night.
You could place lights beside walkways to help brighten up your property and help you see. Accent lights close to retaining walls and trees expose likely hiding places and add a designer touch.
No. 2: Maintain your landscape
What do carefully pruned hedges, regularly cut grass, and weed-free mulch beds convey about you? It’s a good signal that you pay attention to your landscape and likely to your home’s security. Burglars are much less likely to target a nicely groomed landscape with mindful occupants. Don’t cause your home to be more of a target by giving the wrong impression.
No. 3: Invest in exterior surveillance in New Orleans
The last thing thieves wish to see attached to your home is a surveillance device. The mere presence of video systems is enough to deter most threats. They are great for your safety and reassurance as you are able to inspect the footage whenever you like from your cell phone’s home security app.
Your surveillance cameras could even be set up to work with other smart tools, as you could have inside lighting turn on if surveillance finds someone approaching. When getting them installed, keep them elevated enough off the ground to prevent tampering and make sure they’re angled strategically.
No. 4: Make sure you have an unobstructed sightline
You must have an unimpeded sightline at all times. When planting around windows, verify that the mature height is three feet or less. Keep your plants maintained properly, and avoid using sizable hedges or bushes near entryways like garages that may function as hiding spots. When crafting a design, opt for a clean, open landscape that permits you to glimpse all parts of your outdoor environs.
No. 5: Use thorny plant life when landscaping for security in New Orleans
Create another layer of protection with thorny, spiny, or prickly plants near ground-level windows. Prospective prowlers will try to circumvent this defensive flora and may need to target other main entrance points like garages and front doors, which are often the most protected. Just be careful when placing these bushes, and avoid spots where little ones play. And don’t neglect to position your home security signage in a noticeable spot to tell thieves your home is protected.
Get the best defense with a Vivint home security system in New Orleans
The perfect complement to your nicely maintained landscape is a New Orleans home security system from Vivint. Include video surveillance, window and door sensors, motion detectors, and smart lighting into a comprehensive plan. You might even implement automation, like having inside lights switch on if a camera finds an intruder loitering outside. Call (504) 285-9448 today to explore your options and moderninze your security.